Head in the Hedgerow
Hugh Barr currently resides in Granlahan, Ballinlough.
The exhibition ‘HEAD IN THE HEDGEROW’
Was Launched on the 15th August 2020, and ran till the end of September 2020.
Artist Statement:
The Road
There are footprints in the road. You can’t always see them, it has to have been raining and the sun needs to be drying the uneven surface. Then you can see them.
It’s a single lane, tarmac road with grass growing in the centre. There are few places where cars can pass. This is not a problem as on a busy day five cars and a few tractors travel its length. I walk it with my dogs every day.
The works which I plan to exhibit are images of the plants and flowers which grow in the hedgerows:
It’s the small things that make the big picture.