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Wild Dye Days

Our past Wild Dye workshops explored the natural dye materials readily available to us in our kitchens, gardens and countryside.

It covered setting up a natural dye kitchen,  fabrics suitable for use and how to prepare them. Each week focused on a different dye material and dye technique.

Special emphasis was put on exploring the range and quality of natural dye colours. The plants, trees, lichens and seaweeds that they came from.

Towards the end of the course we made a book of natural dye samples and textile hangings of our work- Spring colour, (a record of time and place)

The dye sessions took place in the kitchens and garden of Daylight Studios on the Newport road in Co.Mayo.  The aim of the course was to explore this beautiful craft form, that puts us in sync with nature.

We hope to host this workshop again in the sumer of 2024. Contact us to put you on the waiting list.

The cost will be  €185  for 3 and a hallf hours a week for 5 weeks and includes all materials.  That works out to €37 a session. Which is great when it includes VAT and all materials. Also to consider is that there are only 6 people per class, so you get full attention and support throughout the class.

There is no booking fee or deposit. You put your name on the list with the words ‘Wild Dye Days’ and we will contact you closer to the time to confirm dates and deposits later.

    Past Workshops

    Session with Leah

    Have you ever wanted to find a natural way to deal with your stress levels: Ever wanted to speak to someone who gets it? Someone who will not judge you, or subject you to their opinion or solution. Someone who will not give you a dose of medication.

    Have you ever considered a treatment in aromatherapy psycology? An inexpensive way to dig deep into your story and find what is really bugging you, especially when you are unable to find the trigger yourself.

    Maybe a lengthy massage is what you are after? Whatever it is… This workshop teamed up with someonel listened intently and gave a sensory solution to cope. Surprisingly it did not cost  an arm and a leg. Especially since Christmas 2021 was so upside down and chaotic.  Leah has since moved to Ballina where she has made raising a family her priority and does these sessions in her home for a few regular clients.  We hope in 2025 to host her again.  Contact us with the word ‘LEAH’ as a key phrase to ensure you get on the waiting list.

    Fill out the contact page and put the Key Word : LEAH and we will send you a link to more information.

    You never know if you are the lucky winner of our FREE session.

    “Ascending through Chaos” was a short compilation of some of the best and most practical concepts and techniques Inna had  discovered.

    The workshop  elaborated on what being human really means and was a way of providing a space to find yourself through the chaos many of us were experiencing in the midst of our current circumstances.

    The disscussion and the following practices aimed to encourage introspection and self-culturing. it helped increase one’s sense of empowerment and, consequently, improve one’s experience of life. 

    The workshop was not about religion, politics, or finances. It was about human potential.

    “This workshop was a gift of gratitude to the wonderful people of Westport and beyond, whether I have already met you, or not”