Tiffin Lunchbox Stacks
Well-known and used intensively in parts of India where women pack special lunches for their husbands or school children, these boxes are great for compartmentalising snacks.
And would look great, displayed in your open-shelf kitchen.
“Interestingly the word “Tiffin” was derived from “tiffing”, an English term for having a little swig of diluted liquor. The Lexicon Balatronicum, compiled in 1785, describes it as “eating or drinking out of mealtimes….”
Here’s a link to a wonderful article about the tradition https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/lifestyle-culture/article/3145674/how-indias-tiffin-went-british-colonial-legacy-everyday
18 × 18 × 22.5 cm
1 in stock
1 in stock